At St Elizabeth's we invite you to embark on a simple journey of discipleship.
For those who do not yet know Christ that journey begins with an invitation to Alpha.
Our post-Alpha experience is a nine-week introduction to Catholic faith and life. To support people at all stages of their journey we foster house groups. And at all times we encourage people to help us make a difference by the gift of their service and their support.
We sum up our pathway with these three words: Invite; Grow; Serve.
We invite people into a relationship with one another and with God.
We seek to grow in faith, friendship, and holiness.
We aim to serve according to our gifts and talents.
The community at St Elizabeth's is founded on years of generous service and support. We are incredibly blessed to have such a willing volunteer base and a strong leadership team. We encourage every ministry to develop its own leadership structure so that no one person has to do everything. This also makes it easier for new people to get involved.
Fr Stephen read Philosophy and Theology in Oxford before training for the priesthood in Rome. In addition to a wide parish experience, he has also served as full-time Diocesan Vocations Director. He is also a Coach for Divine Renovation, a network of parishes dedicated to renewal, and is frequently invited to speak at national and international gatherings and conferences.
Georgia has been St Elizabeth’s Director of Youth Ministry since 2020 and develops our various activities for young people aged 5-35. Georgia’s approach is a relational ministry, creating a ‘home away from home’ for young people to explore their faith in a supportive and joyful environment.
Joe grew up in Sunderland and studied Theology at St Mary’s University, Twickenham where he was also the President of the Catholic Society. From there he went on to work in pubs and for four years Joe coordinated events at a popular local wedding venue. At St Elizabeth's he ensures everything in the daily life of the parish runs as smoothly as possible, and is responsible for our Alpha programme.
Over the years the diocesan financial regulations have become more complicated and more time consuming. Fortunately Jonothan joined the parish team part time in 2022 and oversees our accounts and financial procedures. He is the best point of contact for queries regarding GiftAid.
After a career as a doctor in the US Army, Chris joined the parish in 2022. He coordinated the ReachMore formation programme and from that has helped us develop and support our parish house groups. Chris also served as a member of the parish Leadership Team.
Christopher was a member of our parish Finance Committee with particular responsibility for the Gift Aid scheme. He helped make giving easier at St Elizabeth's and has therefore come to greatly appreciate the value of giving. Please feel free to contact Christopher particularly if you are not sure how much to give to support our work, wish to donate a large amount, or would like information about maximising the value of your donation.
After graduating from Cambridge University, Stephen Bick joined our parish as the director of music. Stephen helps to oversee our Choral Scholarship programme, training and providing opportunities for four choral singers to grow in their understanding of leadership in parish music. Stephen also directs the choir who provide music for our Sunday 11am Mass, key celebrations throughout the year, and in a variety of annual concerts in the church.
Tim has twenty years of experience in financial services and is currently a Managing Director at Rothschild & Co. Tim and the other members of the finance committee, Dermid, Kane, and Jonothan, help with overseeing the Parish finances, ensuring that we maintain compliance, transparency, and sustainable growth. He currently lives in Richmond with his family.
The Safeguarding Team ensures that all our volunteers comply with the 'Safer Recruitment Guidelines' and that we follow diocesan safeguarding procedures. They are appointed by the diocese.
Opened in 1824, St Elizabeth’s is the oldest post-Reformation Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Southwark. It predates the restoration of the Catholic Hierarchy by over a quarter of a century. The mission at Richmond was established in 1791, when Robert Wheble, a tallow chandler, provided space in his house on the Vineyard to hold Mass.
In the 1820s, Wheble sold his property and moved to Winchester. Miss Elizabeth Doughty, who had a summer residence in Richmond, bought in 1821 a plot of land next to Clarence House and in 1822-24 built a chapel there dedicated to St Elizabeth of Portugal. By 1901 the chapel had become too small and a proposal for a new church was the preferred option with the congregation. However, Bishop (later Cardinal) Bourne vetoed the demolition and opted for an extension by F. A. Walters.
The nave was extended by one bay at the east, with a Lady Chapel at the southeast, and he added a more richly decorated sanctuary with side chapels and a southeast sacristy. At the same time, a new presbytery was built beside the church.
Towards the end of 2015 Fr Stephen Langridge became the new parish priest. The parish joined the Divine Renovation Network and has since become a reference point for many priests wanting to bring their parishes from maintenance to mission.
To celebrate our Bicentenary in 2024, Joanna Bogle wrote a parish history, which is available in our repository or from the parish office for £10.
In seeking to lead people to Christ we emphasise invitation, welcome, and hospitality.
Remembering that in Jesus we are called friends and are known by name, we try to avoid anonymity by valuing connection and friendship.
We encourage all our members to be involved in serving because we know that everyone has a role to play in building up Christ's kingdom on earth.
We value the generous financial support of our parishioners because generosity is a way of honouring God for what He has given us and also enables us to develop our ministry of service in the parish.
All our activities find their source and summit in our opportunities to come together to worship God. Together we seek to offer dignified and inspiring worship in our prayer and liturgical celebrations.